الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2011

Ahmadinejad: America and Israel fear Iran's ability .. I like a lot of Egyptians

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the United States fear Iran's rising military power because it is now able to compete with Israel and the West.
In response to the position of the United States and Israel against Iran's hard-line Ahmadinejad accused Washington weaving conspiracies to discredit Iran and broadcasting dispute with Saudi Arabia, Israel, explaining that the end was inevitable.
He said the Iranian president - in a special statement, told the news Monday - Iran is increasing the capacity and sophisticated and therefore able to intervene in the process of competition in the world and has become the Zionist entity and the West, particularly the U.S. fear Iran's ability and role, and therefore trying to rally the world to a military operation to stop the role, and must know Almngtrson that Iran will not allow them to take any step against it. "
Ahmadinejad said "Iran does not possess a nuclear bomb, but it was Israel that possesses a nuclear arsenal estimated at three hundred nuclear warheads, it is the evil that is a threat to the entire region, all that keen by Iran is to obtain nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in accordance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty signed by the ".
In response to U.S. claims that Iran was involved in a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington, Ahmadinejad said: "This is a false accusation and is far from Iran and the people of Iran, Iran can not descend to this level or progress on this offense.
He explained that America is afraid of any friendship between us and the Saudis and therefore are fomenting discord among nations, and to cut the way it should make an effort to deepen the bonds of friendship and closer ties between us.
On the relationship between Egypt and Iran, he said, "We love the people of Egypt and Egypt, two countries united by the bonds of civilization and a common history and each of the two front and one in the front which justice and humanity, which should stand in the front face of falsehood and injustice."
Ahmadinejad pointed out that Egypt has the weight of history and civilization, we are proud of, and convergence in the interest of our two countries. "
And the time of his visit to Egypt, the Iranian president said that in the case of a formal invitation to come to him immediately, pointing out that he is optimistic that Muaadha soon.
Ahmadinejad concluded his remarks, saying "I love all the Egyptians, from my heart, and I hope to Egypt's prosperity and progress."

Haul travel Netanyahu and his family at the expense of businessmen to the Attorney General

On the Israeli State Comptroller's findings in the case of travel by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his family at the expense of outside business to the Attorney General.

The newspaper "Maariv" Monday that Netanyahu's office tried to pressure the State Comptroller Judge Micha Lindenstrauss's chief of staff to change the investigation in the case of the observer, but Netanyahu rejected the request.

The newspaper said that the prime minister accused of travel abroad 16 times, including traveling to an important conference organized by the American Enterprise Institute for Research in June 2004 as the Institute to pay 23 thousand dollars for Netanyahu and his wife travel to the United States.

The investigations revealed that the organization "Bonds" - which raise money for the benefit of Israel - has funded a number of times family travel Netanyahu to the United States.

It was Netanyahu's office after the charges that triggered investigation aired Channel Ten television the Israeli press Raviv Drucker said that this report is part of the orientation Drucker many years ago to touch the name of the Prime Minister and his family, pointing out that any third-party never paid in return for travel Netanyahu during his public office.

General strike in Israel and the Court shorten the duration of four hours

Officials said Israel's workers union, "Histadrut" declared a general strike on Monday and closed all
Key sectors of the economy, but the Labour Court intervened and issued an order restricting it to only four hours.

The Union, which includes hundreds of thousands of workers in the public sector wants to continue the strike until we reach an agreement with the Government on the status of the staff who work daily wage.

The media said that the strike will end in Xsrh am local time (0800 GMT).

The Union said that the Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, is supposed to be closed from eight in the morning any that the period of unemployment will be only two hours. The strike began elsewhere in the sixth to the tenth morning after the court's decision.

He called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday Union to cancel the strike, which disrupts the trains and buses, universities, ministries, municipal councils, but the efforts have been made in the last minute, had failed to reach an agreement on the status of those employees who work contracts are being hired through employment agencies.

The Union calls on the government employ about 250 thousand workers who work contracts because the working conditions of those who receive the minimum wage from the government directly. The Ministry of Finance admitted the need to improve their working conditions.

Berlusconi denies the validity of the rumors about his intention to resign from office

Media reported that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has denied the reports about his intention to resign from office.

This comes at a time when being Berlusconi intensive negotiations with opponents within his ruling coalition ahead of key vote of no confidence is scheduled to hold Tuesday and finished his political career has been going on for 17 years.

This will be of great importance to vote because of the high level of uncertainty which controls the political and economic climate in Italy, amid suspicions that Berlusconi has the political influence that he can from Italy in the age of reforms needed to reduce debt and prevent the collapse of the Greek way.

Clashes between the police and the march of "riots" in Bahrain

Clashes broke out today in the northern district of Bahrain between security forces and demonstrators after the memorial service on the good citizen named Aldeha.

The news agency quoted Bahrain, "Us" Director General Police Directorate of the Northern Province said, "The 600 people came out after the memorial service," Ali Aldeha the "father of Assistant Secretary-General of the" reconciliation "in the process of" non-notifier in "area of ​​his parents" in the north of Bahrain.

The participants in the march - according to the spokesman of Bahrain - riots and acts of sabotage and the closure of public streets next to Molotov cocktails (cocktails) and stones at security men.

According to the spokesman of the security forces intervened and the maintenance of order and was able to restore the situation to normal and the opening of the closed streets. He said that the assertion Wefaq on the security men to remove any banners or flags on the grave of the deceased "is not unfounded, and aims to raise public opinion." "The security men to disperse them, during the terrorists were very far from the cemetery"

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